23 Sept 2008

From this point on...

There's no going back. 
That's it then I'm a blogger. A person with ideas, with my very own personalised (well as personal as a template can be) speakers corner to convey them to anyone and everyone who cares. But it nearly didn't happen; I've had those nervous thoughts. I don't know enough; I haven't had enough experience; Jesus I don't even have a Planning / Strategic / Consumer orientated job yet; Lets face I don't have any job yet. ( i have had jobs - good ones at that - i'm not a complete layabout)

But that isn't the point is it? The sharing and discussion of insights helps form and shape useful ideas. So hopefully with your help... I'm here to learn, sharpen my insights and maybe over time progress my career. It's time for me to push those nerves to one side and face the world and it's critics. After all I'm not going to change that world if it doesn't know who I am!  

P.S. please let me know if you see me spouting trash! 

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